Monthly Archives: November 2013

Thing Eleven Mapping Geolocation Tools

I have downloaded Google Earth on my on computer. I have tried it at school but I definitely need help from my students to use it. My plan is to work with a class learning the Seven Continents. We just finished the USA when I started Thing 11. I want my student to be able to create a tour of the continents. I am sure they will love the idea. I just have to keep on looking at tutorials to learn about GE. I had a student help me but kept crashing when I tried to fly. Google earth is not loaded on all the computers so I have to deal with that. I do use Google Maps quite often so I will introduce the project with G Maps and progress, hopefully by creating our own tour.  At least it sounds like a good idea at this moment.

I have learned to look at photos using GE. This is a good program but I do find myself going to places I have backpack and biked this past summer. I do want to spend time with GE because it is an excellent resource for my students at the 7-8 grade level.

I have looked at Lit Trips but have not found anything yet to bring to my high school teachers.  There seems to be so much available so I am going to try to narrow my focus.